Teej Mela in Jaipur

August 6, 2016: I came back to Kolkata from Jaipur. Yesterday evening I went to see the Teej procession in Jaipur.

It was my first time which reminds me of Teej Mela I used to visit in my childhood days. Teej, celebrated to welcome monsoons, is widely celebrated in Nepal, northern and north-western India. Teej is one of the most widely celebrated festivals of Rajasthan and is full of cultural and religious pageanty with swings, traditional songs and dance. Women, dressed in colourful clothes, perform traditional folk dance and sing beautiful Teej songs on swings bedecked with flowers. Teej is celebrated with much fanfare in Jaipur.

Today, in the afternoon, I went to the Birla auditorium as the Guest of Honour to attend Jayshree Periwal’s International School’s Shaimak Davar students’ summer show. Before boarding for Kolkata, I attended a Write Circle session with

Lady Mohini Kent Noon. Apra Kuchal was in conversation with her about her new book The Black Taj which is yet to publish in India. Lady Noon will be in Kolkata for the Author’s Afternoon as well.
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