Recipe Rendezvous with Nikhil Chib
June 24, 2015: I am back in office. Today morning I went to the Lal Bazar – the police headquarters – for a meeting with the Kolkata Police officials. On Monday (June 22), after a meeting with a digital media team for The Bengal and Pronam, I attended the Recipe Rendezvous event at The Conclave.

Recipe Rendezvous is one of the series initiated by me. It is a demonstration-cum-conversation session with food book authors and renowned or celebrity chefs. The interaction is with a select group especially invited for the event. It is interactive and the demo for a chosen recipe is live.
The idea of holding the event is to invite 20 to 25 guests at the most, usually they are selected in such a manner that they represent all walks of life. The guest chef or food author gives a hands-on demonstration of his culinary skills for a particular recipe or recipes while taking in questions and queries at the same time from the guests.

This time the guest chef was Nikhil Chib, the managing director and celebrity chef of Busaba chain of highly acclaimed restaurants in Mumbai.
Previously an investment banker with a degree in finance from Rochester University, Nikhil has been in the food business for over 15 years with Busaba celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2011. He has also been a food columnist with The Hindustan Times and The Indian Express and a television food show host. Nikhil, along with his wife Natasha, did 50 episodes of the popular show The Chef and His Better Half with NDTV Good Times in 2007.
He is an active board member of the Spastics Society of India, founded by his mother Dr Alur, a Padmashri recipient herself. There were more guests than I expected and in future I have to ensure that it is a more cosy affair like the first two Recipe Rendezvous with Mita Kapur and H.H. Raja Shreeman Vikram Singhji Bahadur, Raja of Sailana.
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