Recipe Rendezvous takes off

September 10, 2013: From yesterday morning we started another series with t2 named “Recipe Rendezvous”. After a very successful series of Authors Afternoon and Tete-a-Tea, this new series is in collaboration with Madhu and Harsh Neotia’s new multi-cuisine initiative Jhaal Farezi.

The idea is to invite food authors as well as renowned chefs to interact with a small group of people, including eminent citizens of the city, and also to give a live demo of a specific and interesting cuisine.
In the first of the series that took off yesterday, it was a rendezvous with our guest His Highness Raja Shreeman Vikram Singhji Bahadur, the 13th Raja of Sailana – a princely state in Madhya Pradesh close to the Rajasthan border.

The Sailana chefs are Rathod Rajputs, the descendants of Maharaja Uday Singh of Jodhpur. The Sailanas are famed for their culinary skills and exotic recipes that they have acquired and preserved over the generations.
The programme was planned and executed in three days. There was 100 per cent capacity attendance. Since it was the first event, we weren’t expecting it to be such a success. Usually it is hard to get cent percent attendance of guests for any event, however, this one proved to be an exception and the turnout was overwhelming.
It turned out to be a very lively and much-appreciated programme. The master of ceremonies of the programme, Ms Ekavali Khanna, did a fantastic job. She was extremely well prepared and spoke very well in Hindi, English and a few words of Urdu now and then to spice up the conversation. In fact the guests confessed that it was one of those excellent and engaging chat shows they had seen.

After the programme, later in the afternoon, I again went to Jhaal Farezi to meet a group of students who came from Jaipur for the semi-finals of the 34th Annual Inter-School Drama Festival organized by the British Council at the Satyajit Ray Auditorium in ICCR, Kolkata, from 9 – 13th of September, 2013, 10 am to 3 pm.
In this drama competition one of our social welfare projects wing, Education for All, is a partner. ess bee