In Nandan for “Shuva and Me”

August 27, 2014: Last weekend turned out to be a somewhat chaotic as we had to call off our Pronam Annual Function of South and South East Divisions at the last minute due to the Election Commission guidelines coming into effect.

Although we had applied for the permission which was granted by the Election Commission subject to “Felicitation and announcement of schemes/projects/awards were not to be made”. Since Pronam function involves felicitation of police officials who performed their best for Pronam hence we had to cancel the event.
Every event cancellation has its own affects and the process of undoing an event is no less tedious than the amount of effort that goes into its preparations. I went to Nandan to see a documentary film Shuva and Me – A journey with Shuvaprasanna directed by Shri Goutam Ghose.
I was really impressed with the photography and direction of Goutam Ghose especially in the last scene of Shuvaprasanna’s sketch in the midst of trees.
Monday I was in office and on Tuesday I finished about nine long over due meetings with various individuals and institutional representatives. On Friday, August 29, 2014, I shall again leave for overseas trip.
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