Goodbye Santorini
June 28, 2014: Today evening after some time I will take a flight back to London. In the afternoon, I went to a restaurant called Nammos which is on the Psarou Beach. We couldn’t get a table at 1:30 pm and the hotel concierge informed us that we’d get one at 3 pm. Even after reaching there on time we had to wait till 4 pm as the people sitting in this restaurants-cum-beach area weren’t ready to leave the tables.
This restaurant is a famous visiting spot for the world celebrities, especially from music and films. Thats why Psarou Beach is also called the “celebrity beach”.
During the entire trip to Santorini and Mykonos, I did not come across any Indian tourists. There were two Indian couples in Mykonos who have now settled in the US. The only Indian couple I met was in Santorini.
The man works at the reception of hotel On The Rocks.

While walking through the village of Little Venice in Mykonos I saw a Bangladeshi selling jelly balls. I talked to him in Bengali and I got to know that he did not have his proper immigration papers and had come through an agency. He told me that there were around 50 of them who worked in and around Mykonos during the tourist season and would leave for Athens with the onset of slack season.
Good bye Santorini.
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