Back in Jaipur

24 January, 2015, Jaipur: It is very cold and foggy in Jaipur as expected. In fact, today’s morning flight from Kolkata, scheduled to depart at 6 am left could take off at 7:45 am due to heavy fogging in Jaipur.

Yesterday night, apart from attending a private function at The Taj Bengal banquets, I was also there at the Taj Terrace at the inaugural dinner of Kolkata Literary Meet hosted by The Taj Bengal General Manager, K Mohanchandran, who is himself a bibliophile and vastly knowledgeable in literature.
I met the great octogenarian author, Ruskin Bond. Among others whom I met were Daman Singh, Rajdeep Sardesai and some other authors who are in city for the Kolkata Literary Meet. In fact, Rajdeep was in the same flight with me from Kolkata to Jaipur. He has a session at the Jaipur Literature Festival today.

With 16 invites on hand, this weekend in Jaipur, it seems, would be rather hectic. Let me see how I can make the most of these invitations. But today evening, I will attend a private dinner for authors and will also try to drop in for a late night party being hosted at the Jaigarh Fort. However, before that, I will also attend an event of FICCI Flo at the Radisson Blue Hotel with Chetan Bhagat. I look forward to being at the Diggi Palace soon.
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