Author’s Afternoon with Bittu Sahgal

February 12, 2014: On Monday February 10, there was another edition of Author’s Afternoon with wildlife expert and activist, Bittu Sahgal, at The Taj Bengal.
The subject tigers and wildlife is very close to my heart and the session went off very well.
Bittu Sahgal is an environmental activist and writer and the founding editor of Sanctuary Asia which is a leading wildlife and ecology magazine of India. He is also a member of the National Board of Wildlife, Government of India. The Author’s Afternoon session went off very well and at the end of which Bittu signed copies of his book for the eager guests.
Yesterday I went to the annual birthday party of t2. I always look forward to this annual birthday party of t2 like many others do, I am sure. The warmth of t2 team always makes me feel at home.

Tomorrow I leave for Patna to attend the Patna Literature Festival 2014. This is the second year of the Litfest and I am participating for the first time in three of the sessions spread over two days.
I have been attending most of the big literary events in the sub-continent including Jaipur Litfest, Mountain Echoes Litfest in Bhutan and am looking forward to Patna the city where I did my schooling in the formative years of life.
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