At the release of Mrs Alva’s autobiography

July 23, 2016: I returned from Jaipur yesterday night. Day before yesterday (July 21) I released the of autobiography Courage & Commitment by Margaret Alva, the ex-Governor of Rajasthan, at the Hotel Hilton, Jaipur. The event was initiated by Prabha Khaitan Foundation and organised by We Care. Raghu Sinha Mala Mathur Memorial Trust presented the event. During the event Mrs Alva talked at length on women empowerment at different levels leading to the emergence of “human side” of development. Senior journalist Nupur Basu engaged her in a conversation during which Mrs Alva shared many interesting anecdotes and also her views on various topics especially the hurdles that came in the way of passing the legislation for reservation of seats for women in decision making bodies. She dedicated the book to her husband who was responsible for all that she has achieved in her life. She said she had highlighted her trials and triumphs and controversies in her autobiography. Earlier, London-based popular artiste, Ms Shivani Sethia, welcomed Mrs Alva with a traditional Rajasthani welcome song Padharo Mhare Des. The event was attended by many eminent citizens of Jaipur and others including Anuja Chauhan and Sudhir Mathur. My all thanks to Apra Kuchal of We Care who has put up the things together and it is because of her hard work Jaipur has witnessed a rare gathering of book launch events. The whole of yesterday I had a couple of meetings with different stakeholders for our upcoming activities.
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