At the People’s Republic of China Day

I attended the 67th Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China at Taj Bengal today evening. There were many guests from the West Bengal government, including the Principal Secretary of Commerce and Industries Krishna Gupta, Subrata Mukherjee, Sadhan Pandey, Dinesh Trivedi and many other city-based foreign and honorary consuls.

The Chinese Consul General, Ma Zhanwu, highlighed the growing China-India relations and that the number of Chinese and Indians visiting each other’s countries have increased 20 per cent over last year. Also, the Chinese investment in India have grown a staggering 1400 per cent year on year.

Mr Zhanwu also mentioned that a film delegation headed by the Principal Secretary of the Information and Cultural Affairs (I&CA) Department of Bengal, will depart for China and hold Tollywood film festivals in Beijing and Shanghai. Wishing everyone happy Pujas, Chinese Consul general said that the Chinese Consulate would sponsor one of the best pandals competitions and the winners would get a free one week tour to China.
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