At the ITC Sonar to watch `The Mousetrap’
November 25, 2014: During the past week, I again spent considerable amount of time in office and dropped in for only one public function on Thursday, November 20, 2014. It was a play, “The Mousetrap”, of Welcome Theatre Production by ITC Hotels at the Sunderban Laws, ITC Sonar, at 7 PM followed by cocktails & dinner.

I met Virat and Aamir Raza Husain whom I have know for a couple of years since we had him participate in one of our Ek Mulakat series in Jaipur.
I was really impressed with the acting as well as the accent of Aamir Raza Husain in the play. I must also compliment ITC Sonar’s General Manager, Atul Bhalla, for drawing maximum number of guests this year to the Welcome Theatre in Kolkata compared to the earlier years to which I have been a witness.
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