At the Grand Hyatt in New York

June 28, 2016: I landed in New York on Sunday. This time I am staying at the Grand Hyatt hotel near the Grand Central station.
I have visited this hotel many times to attend conferences but had never stayed here before. Because of its location, the hotel has one of the busiest lobbies and makes you feel that you are either in the station itself or at the airport. Although it is Grand Hyatt but its quality of service comes no where close to that of Grand Hyatt Singapore or Thailand. The hotel industry in this part of the world is totally different from that of south east Asia. If you have stayed in the those hotels in Asia you will know what grandeur and excellent service they provide. Honestly, Grand Hyatt New York, or for that matter any other hotels in the vicinity, are a pale version of the ones in south east Asia. On Sunday evening I met few of my friends and yesterday there was series of meetings with the UN officials of various department. Today, I will go to the United Nations General Assembly to watch the elections of the Security Council.
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