At the Desert Soul with Hemant Shesh
April 14, 2015: Got back to Kolkata yesterday. The last three days were quite hectic.

On Saturday afternoon I went to Jaipur and attended a play by Welcome Theatre Production called The Mousetrap. The play, directed and designed by Aamir Raza Husain and Virat Husain, was held at Suryavanshi Mahal, ITC Rajputana.
I had seen this play before but because of my association with ITC Rajputana I went on to be a part of the evening. It was indeed a very nice evening where I met quite a few people from the Jaipur social circle.
On Sunday, I attended another series of the Desert Soul with Shri Hemant Shesh organized by the Rajasthan Forum.

Shri Shesh is a renowned poet, writer and painter. He talked about his life and experiences since early days and he also talked at length to explain how different forms of arts are inter-linked and backed by human values.
From Jaipur I took a flight to Delhi.

Yesterday morning I went to meet General Dr V K Singh, Minister of State for Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Minister of State for External Affairs and Minister of State for Overseas Indian Affairs, Government of India, at his office. After that had a couple of more meetings and returned to Kolkata by the evening flight.
The saga of meetings continued after reaching Kolkata as I straight went for a meeting again at night from the airport.
Today morning also I had a number of meetings. Two Ministers from Rajasthan, Janab Yunus Khan and Kali Charan Saraf along with Rajeev Swarup, IAS, is in town preparing for the Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Vasundhara Raje’s visit to Kolkata on April 21 and 22, 2015.
Since I shall not be in Kolkata at that time, my responsibilities to plan out her visit has increased manifold.
There is a tentative New York visit on the anvil, let me see how things move.
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