At the book distribution function

February 6, 2016: I am back in Kolkata and predictably busy with the desk work that keeps piling up during my absence. Apart from three important meetings, that were long due, I stayed put up in the office and did a long conference-call with New York office. In the late afternoon I attended the annual book distribution function which is an annual affair which Prabha Khaitan Foundation organizes in association with Bharat Relief Society.

Baishali Dalmiya, the daughter of Late Jagmohan Dalmiya, agreed on my request to become the Chief Guest of the programme in which text books are distributed to the needy children.
In the evening, I also met Mr Mool Chand Malu of the Kuber Group. He very kindly presented me with flowers on my nomination for another term as Treasurer of the World Federation of the United Nations Association (WFUNA).
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