A visit to Chatham House

July 9, 2016: I visited United Nations Association (UNA) office at the Whitehall Street today afternoon. The UNA, UK, is a strong part of World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) and have an extensive network throughout the country.

After the UNA visit, I along with UNA, UK, colleagues Natalie and Richard, went to an Italian restaurant for a lunch. From there I paid a visit to the Chatham House – the famous think tank institution on 10 St James Square. Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, is an independent policy institute based in London. Chatham House has been the residence of three former prime ministers of UK. Lionel Curtis founded this institution in 1920. Mahatma Gandhi visited the Chatham House in October 1931 and delivered his talk on “The Future of India”. The fact that Chatham House is an independent think tank is amply reflected at the reception table where it is clearly stated that “…you may use the points of discussions and points heard there but you cannot disclose the identity of speaker.” This reveals much about the mission and motto of this institution.

I had a meeting with the Chatham House director Dr Robin Niblett and we had a discussion on possible collaborations since this institute was thinking of extending its wings beyond the shores of UK and India was very much on their cards.

After visiting Chatham House I had a meeting over tea with Lord Meghnad Desai at the Courtyard in St James Court hotel. We discussed politics from New York to Delhi. Lord Desai is of the view that Donald Trump may be the next US President which he had written about four months ago. I must say that this visit of mine to New York and London had a high dose of informal political talks and discussions. In the evening I hosted a dinner at Quilon for few friends who are on a visit to London this summer along with few others who are residents of London.
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