June 15, 2017
A short trip to New Jersey

June 14, 2017, New Jersey: I paid a visit to New Jersey. On 11 June, I had a session on my book My Life My Travels. It was very nice and thrilling experience to
meet so many book lovers and enthusiasts away from home and sign away copies of my book.

I have often found that Indians in the USA are more often more Indians in matters of our culture and tradition. I attended a home where a Satyanaran puja was done and had prasad.

On 13 June I met up with a group of authors, poets, scholars and literary enthusiasts over lunch.

On Monday (12 June) I visited Brooks Brothers which happens to be one of the oldest men’s clothier in USA on Madison Avenue, New York, founded in 1818 as a family business.

Owned by the Italian billionaire Claudio Del Vecchio, the shop now also features clothing for women. I strolled through the busy Times Square area. I shall fly to Montreal, Canada, for an overnight trip today afternoon.
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