A new era begins; another ends

May 20, 2014: From last Tuesday to this Tuesday so much happened in the country that went through a phase of historical change through the world’s largest democratic exercise.
Some are describing the elections as a tectonic shift given the fact that India, after 30 years, has elected a majority government without the need for coalition partners.
Last week, besides watching elections unfold and the post-election discussions on television, I participated in a couple of TV channels talk shows, even though I was very busy in office. On Thursday, I was at a private function at Hotel Hyatt Regency Kolkata where I met quite a few contestants who won their seats and became the Member of Parliament. I also met the Chief Minister of West Bengal Smt Mamata Banerjee.

Last week I also got the news of the death of Mr Russi Mody. With that another era came to an end.
I first came to know of Mr Mody when he had just resigned from Tata and joined MOBAR. One of the most successful events in my life during school and college days was the SECADE Seminar which I had organized at The Hotel Oberoi Grand in 1994 which he had been kind enough to grace.
After that we were in touch and I met him in London a few times.
He also supported a few of my projects and attended them as well.
Yesterday evening, I hosted a cocktail reception for Mr Bonian Golmohammadi, Secretary General, WFUNA who was in town.

In fact, the recently held World Federation of the United Nations Associations (WFUNA) – a global non-profit organization that represents and coordinates with over 100 national United Nations Associations (UNAs) and their thousands of constituents – has decided to form WFUNA Foundation in India which will definitely help spread the work of WFUNA in this part of the world.
I was busy last week preparing documents and papers for the WFUNA Foundation as well.

The reception was well attended by diplomats, industrialists and prominent people from cinema, fashion and performing arts and the discussions were about the UN, UNAs and the good work being done for the society.
There is a plan to travel to Jaipur and Delhi and I am also thinking of attending the oath ceremony of the newly-elected Government at the Parliament in Delhi.
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